
Privacy Policy for The Moloch

Last Updated: 28 December 2023

Welcome to The Moloch (https://themoloch.com/), where we prioritize your privacy. This policy outlines how we collect, use, and protect your information.

1. Data Collection

  • We collect email addresses and IP addresses.
  • Data is collected for user registration, analytics, and advertising purposes.

2. Usage of Data

  • Your data is used for marketing, enhancing user experience, and targeted advertising.

3. Data Sharing

  • We may share your data with third-party advertisers as necessary.

4. User Rights

  • You have the right to access, correct, delete your data, or refuse consent.

5. Cookies

  • Our website uses cookies primarily for advertising purposes.

6. Data Security

  • All data is processed and stored securely by Google. We do not store data on our website.

7. Policy Updates

  • Any changes to our privacy policy will be communicated to you upon revisiting our website.

8. Contact Us

We are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring a transparent approach to data handling.