The Existent Automated Armies: An Accelerating Arms Race for Viable Robot Soldiers

...these developments are indicative of an understated trend in militaries around the world: a growing acceptance of mass-casualty-causing weapons in automated hands. As several states that are innovators in this space find themselves engaged around the world, it may only be a matter of time before this technological rubicon is crossed in ground-based warfare, as it has in the air.
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Ukrainian “Cyber Resistance” Hackers Leak Months Of Medvedev Email Communication To InformNapalm

On June 27th, Ukrainian hackers from the "Кібер Спротив" (Cyber Resistance) team have leaked a trove of internal communications belonging to former Russian president and current Chairman of Russia's Security Council, Dmitry Medvedev.
Read MoreUkrainian “Cyber Resistance” Hackers Leak Months Of Medvedev Email Communication To InformNapalm